Sunday, November 27, 2011

Where can you get Adobe reader standalone and MSI installers

Adobe Reader ®
Hi again, a lot of people search about where to download the offline installers of adobe reader . It is really common with IT people who usually don't want to waste their time downloading the software on every machine they configure. So , here is the public FTP directory that lists all version of adobe reader . So , pick the version and download , Enjoy

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mobile Number converter for Egyptian cellular phones new format

Over the last month , mobile companies in Egypt announced a change in all mobile numbers , the new formats added an extra digit to the number . So that the carriers are back to their original prefixes mobinil : 012 , Etisalat: 011, vodafone: 010  .... too many changes were to be handled by the customers .Since i was the destination of my whole family , because i am their tech guy , apparently :D.  Some mobiles were old and the carrier programs like felsaree3 or engezly were not compatible with them , other some had to be configured for internet to download those softwares . Anyway , it was easier for me to program my own simple program that could handle numbers copied from an excel sheet . CSV or comma separated values , is an excel file that is exported from most mobile suites , this is the type of excel from which you can copy your numbers. So the steps will be as following :
1- Export the contacts you have on the phone to .CSV (comma separated values : a file that can be opened with excel) .
This feature is available to all samsung mobiles and all nokia mobiles (sync with outlook , and on outlook , you can export to CSV) , and is generally available to all mobiles that can sync contacts with outlook , ex : motorola , lg . etc...
2- download the Program here , or get it from my public directory here
3- Copy the numbers column from excel and paste it in the program ,look the images

4- hit Convert

5- Copy it back to excel
6- import the contacts back on the mobile

Notes : 
- the program will still work even if the prefixing 0's were removed . E.x : 12xxxxxxx , 16xxxxxxx
- The Program will handle prefixing +2 numbers
- Despite the fact that the program was tested several times, user is encouraged to keep a backup of all data (keep a version of the exported CSV)

forward to all your IT friends and tech savvy guys :)
