When working with Visual Studio behind a proxy you may be blocked from getting extensions for visual studio
To have this fixed, provided your proxy , head over to the visual studio shortcut (the one in the start menu), right click to bring the context menu , choose properties and from the general tab , click on Open file location.
Next to the devenv.exe , you'll find a devenv.exe.config , open it with any regular text editor
At the xml element systems.net , add the below item under settings
The whole systems.net block should like something like
Restart the visual studio and you're good to go. Now extensions will bring results as it should.
To have this fixed, provided your proxy , head over to the visual studio shortcut (the one in the start menu), right click to bring the context menu , choose properties and from the general tab , click on Open file location.
Next to the devenv.exe , you'll find a devenv.exe.config , open it with any regular text editor
At the xml element systems.net , add the below item under settings
Remember to replace the proxyip with your organization proxy IP address and port with your proxy port.
The whole systems.net block should like something like
Restart the visual studio and you're good to go. Now extensions will bring results as it should.